Carrie DubeauMD Candidate, 2020
Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine Quinnipiac University My academic interests include academic surgery, educational methods, mentorship models, and women in medicine. I'm a runner, artist, and firm believer in the power of strong mentorship. It is the gifts of the women and men before us that have laid a strong foundation on which we can become empowered, successful, educated, courageous, and well-balanced. I hope that in this podcast you will find inspiration, laughter, and motivation. Join me on the impassioned, messy, often intimidating, and always exhilarating journey toward being a female physician. Learn with me as I gather stories and lessons from the phenomenal female mentors who have shaped the field before us in Essential Wisdom: Inspiring Future Female Physicians.
Feel free to connect with me in 'Contact' or visit my professional site below!